The ”Dog Tag” - Mid America Veterans Museum
Dog Tag Podcast: Stories of Service and Sacrifice Step into the world of veterans, service, and sacrifice with Dog Tag, the podcast that brings history to life through powerful stories and insightful conversations. Whether you’re a veteran, military family member, or patriot at heart, Dog Tag delivers compelling interviews with those who have served, historians, and advocates dedicated to preserving the legacy of our heroes. Join us as we uncover untold stories, discuss military history, and explore how service continues beyond the battlefield. Tune in, be inspired, and carry the legacy forward. 🎖️ Listen. Honor. Remember. 🎖️

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Join us on the Dog Tag Podcast as we host our guest Paul "Bud" Haedike. Bud joined the Army Air Corps in 1944 and was a bombardier flying on a B-17 Flying Fortress. Bud had the distinction of being shot down on his very first mission. Fortunately, the crew crash landed and made it back to their base. They went on to fly 22 more missions.

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
We are honored to host Jennifer Jefferson, Holly Klaesner and Todd from Focus Marines on tonights podcast. This amazing organization is tasked with helping our combat veterans deal with complex and emotional issues that took place before, during or after their military service. We lose over 22 veterans a day to suicide and Focus Marines is making a great impact in the lives of our veterans. For more information about Focus, visit

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Join us on The Dog Tag podcast as our special guest, Stacey, shares her experiences while serving in the military as a female soldier and her journey of healing from military sexual trauma (MST).
VA uses the term “military sexual trauma” (MST) to refer to sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced during military service. MST includes any sexual activity during military service in which you are involved against your will or when unable to say no. Examples include:
Being pressured or coerced into sexual activities, such as with threats of negative treatment if you refuse to cooperate or with promises of better treatment
Sexual contact or activities without your consent, including when you were asleep or intoxicated
Being overpowered or physically forced to have sex
Being touched or grabbed in a sexual way that made you uncomfortable, including during “hazing” experiences
Comments about your body or sexual activities that you found threatening
Unwanted sexual advances that you found threatening
People of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and branches of service have experienced MST. Like other types of trauma, MST can negatively affect a person’s mental and physical health, even many years later. Things you may experience could include:
Disturbing memories or nightmares
Difficulty feeling safe
Feelings of depression or numbness
Using alcohol or other drugs to numb or escape from negative feelings
Feeling isolated from other people
Difficulties with anger, irritability, or other strong emotions
Self-doubt, self-blame, or decreased self esteem
Issues with sleep
Physical health problems
If you are having any current difficulties related to MST, VA is here to support you in whatever way will help you best — from learning more about how MST affects people, to treatment that helps you cope with how MST is impacting your life currently, or if you prefer, treatment that involves discussing your experiences in more depth.
For questions about treatment and health care options related to MST, talk with an MST Coordinator at a VA health care facility near you.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
On this day, 29 March, U.S. troops leave Vietnam.
Many served their country just as their father had….
Many served because that’s what American men do…
They believed in our country and principles….
They never shirked their duty…
They fought heroically…
They lost “brothers” there…
They weren’t given time to mourn…
They were told, ‘don’t wear their uniform home’…
‘Don’t tell anyone you are a soldier’…
There was no band at the airport…
They were not recognized as a “great” generation…
And not all of them came home…
It was the first time US troops did not come home to victory parade…
It was 50 years ago, but to many of them, just yesterday…
Many still won’t or can’t talk about their time in ’nam’
It’s unlikely their wounds will ever heal.
They deserve our thanks and eternal gratitude…
They don’t wear uniforms today, so it’s hard to pick them out of a crowd…
When you see that old, crumpled VIETNAM VETERAN cap,
Give them your heartfelt thanks.
-J. Higgins, March 2022

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
CPL Dominic Masters, USMC joins us in studio to share his experiences as a Marine, combat veteran and a proud Grunt from time of entry into the Marine Corps, the Crucible, Rehab platoon, being deployed, coming home, caring for his ailing mother, reserve option, transitioning to civilian life and finding healing.
One day, when I was young, my mom took me to a car show at a McDonald’s in North County not too far from our home. There at the car show was this guy in a dressy blue and red uniform. I asked my mom, who is that guy? My mom told me, “that is a Marine.” He looked 10’ tall! From that moment on, I wanted to be a Marine.
Dominic joined the Marines just weeks before 9/11. In just a few short months, he was invading Iraq.

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Joe Rumbolo, "Your Medicare Guy" & Colonel Ted Hodgson join us in studio to discuss important information regarding Medicare plans that are specifically designed for veterans who use the the VA for medical services and prescription drugs, Tricare For Life and ChampVA for surviving spouses as well as anyone who is on Medicare. Colonel Ted Hodgson also discusses the America Warrior Partnership whose mission is to partner with communities to prevent veteran suicide.
Joe Rumbolo can be reached at (314)753-0792

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Salina and Zach Mann share their experiences in the Army, both as a couple and individually, as they served in combat and how they managed life after they returned home. Salina and Zach met in 2008 and have been married since March 2012. They have two daughters.
Salina served as a 37F Psychological Operations Specialist with the the 307th reserve unit out of Jefferson Barracks. She completed one tour in NE Afghanistan in Logar Province, 2010-2011.
Zach served as a 91A Tank Mechanic with the 3HBCT a part of 1/2 CAV out of Fort Hood, Texas. Zach served one tour in Iraq in February 2011 and was part of the pull out as his Battalion left Iraq in December 2011.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Chris Lenington signed an early entry for the Army in 1998. Chris would serve twenty years and was deployed in Kosovo, one tour in Iraq, and three tours in Afghanistan including one stop at Camp Seray an outpost high in the mountains, which was attacked by Taliban fighters almost daily. Chris finished his Army career at Fort Campbell Kentucky with the 101st Airborne. Tonight, Chris joins us to discuss his time in the military and the tough transition to civilian life after serving twenty years including four combat zone deployments.

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Robert Leeker started his military career as a one striper in the Air Force in 1971 and went to basic training at Lackland Air Force Base. After working as a mechanic on planes, Bob decided he wanted to fly them. He earned his associates degree at Meramec Community College and took flying lessons on his own dime to ready himself to become an Air Force pilot. Bob trained on the T37 and T38 and earned his wings. Flying fighters was thirty-three years of his Air Force career including flying F4's, F15's, and later the B2 bomber. Bob attained the rank of Colonel and Commander of the air base in Kirkuk Iraq. Some of Bob's most vivid memories are while he was stationed at Kirkuk. Listen as Bob shares his story and rise through the ranks of the Air Force and what it was like to be a base commander at an air base in Iraq during the war and the tough transition from military to retirement.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Service dogs enrich and improve the lives of their veterans every day. At Dogs For Our Brave, our mission is to provide professionally trained service dogs at no cost to veterans who have suffered debilitating injury or illness while in service to our country. Our goal is to use rescue dogs at every opportunity, thus saving two lives at once. In order to fully realize our mission without adding financial burden, we also provide a continuum of free support that covers all food, veterinary care, and pharmaceuticals for the life of the dog. Our guests in studio are April Haskins, Shannon Durington, and Bridget McAuley.